Blingees, 2007
Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina
for detail, see the original webpage
3 channel video

Online Newspapers: New York Edition, 2008
Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina
click here for preview video
high definition video

Online Newspapers: New York Post, 2008
Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina
click here for preview video
high definition video
note: Wall Street Journal and Daily News
Online Newspaper pieces also available

Frozen Niki Fragments, 2006-2008
Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina
for detail, see the the original blog
digital video and set of 9 prints
dimensions variable, prints combined: 149.5 x 17.7 inches

Frozen Niki Fragments video still

Olia's and Dragan's Comparative History of Classic Animated GIFs and Glitter Graphics, 2007
for detail, see the the original webpage
Dragan Espenschied and Olia Lialina
7 channel video

Beat the Champ (Sega Genesis Championship Bowling: Dana), 2008
self-playing Sega Genesis controller modification
Cory Arcangel
dimensions variable

Photoshop Gradient and Smudge Tool Demonstration #25, 2008
Cory Arcangel
digital print on titanium
36 x 36 inches

Untitled Translation Exercise, 2008
Cory Arcangel
DVD video
dimensions variable

Bruce Springsteen Born To Run Glockenspiel Addendum Mix CD, 2008
Cory Arcangel
Audio CD
free in gallery

installation shot